In November 2020, I fell and broke my right wrist. At the time, I also injured my leg, all the way up in the groin area. I could not walk. It caused intense pain when I tried. It was hugely painful just to struggle to the medical potty chair which was about 3-4 steps from my chair. Sure enough, my feet, ankles, and legs began to swell with the inactivity. I quickly ordered a machine called Legxercise which I had seen advertised on TV in the hospital.
I didn't have a lot of hope the machine would help but I was swollen and the swelling was painful. Using the Legxercise machine hurt at first, but sure enough after a couple of days, the swelling began to subside. Shortly, my feet and ankles looked normal and I could actually wear shoes again. Finally, about 9 weeks later I'd built up enough strength to walk to the other end of the house. From there on, the Legxercise sat under my desk, untouched.
About a week ago, I decided to try using it again. I wanted to see if I could strengthen my legs which have never really recovered from the weeks of being more or less confined to a chair. So, for about a week I've used it for at least an hour a day.
The machine consists of a base topped by two flat sliding "pedals". The feet are placed on the pedals and the pedals move back and forth, similar to what would be a shuffling step if one were standing. There is really no physical effort as the pedals are moved back and forth by electrical power. But, I kind of decided that any kind of movement would be more beneficial than just sitting. I am really sort of shocked, but it's working. I can look at my legs and see a difference. The main difference is in the area of my thighs from the knee to halfway up to my groin. However, I looked in the bathroom mirror yesterday and my thighs in the back, where they intersect my behind, look different, tighter. That seemed unlikely to me--musta been in my imagination. But, later I wedged my hands under my sitter and I could feel some muscle movement as the Legxercise moved my feet back and forth.
So, it seems with no effort on my part, I'm building some muscle. It seems too good to be true, but I'm thrilled. I figure if these areas look more muscular, tighter, it's reasonable to assume they are. And maybe stronger too.