Well, I don't know if I told you but 3-4 weeks ago a heavy flashlight fell on my foot. I think it actually fell on the little toe on my right foot and maybe broke it. I only know that moving my little toe was extremely painful and I had quite a limp going on. Well, that has mostly healed up. I still don't want to stand on my tiptoes, but other than that, it seemed all healed up. If you read my January 13th post, you are familiar with my gardening project. It recently rained for 3 days in a row so I did not go out. However, as of yesterday, no rain and I was back outside as promised.
Long story short, I stepped on a large branch off the old hedge. I felt a moment of extreme pain and I have been limping ever since. Last night it was extremely painful. Every step hurt. Anything that caused my right foot to be non-weight bearing or perfectly flat hurt like a bugger. I finally pulled out what adhesive tape I had and wrapped it, hoping, if anything was broken, that I could stabilize it. I admit that helped. It's still wrapped, but walking today is less painful than it was last night. I'll see how that pans out as we go along. I did take a couple of muscle relaxers before I decided it is less painful, which MAY indicate that in some way I messed up a muscle instead of breaking a new and different bone or re-breaking the little toe. If it becomes more painful when the muscle relaxer wears off, I can conclude the injury is somehow muscular, not bone. But, in any case, I am hobbling around flat footed so as not to hurt as much.
To add to the fun today, I woke up with a stiff neck which was really the impetus for the muscle relaxer..........
So, I am trying to decide if God wants me to try to work outside today, on uneven ground. I've decided to try to carry some recycling from the house to the bin on the driveway and see how that goes. If I can make it without a lot of trouble, I'll go see what I can do outside. Otherwise, I'll stay right where I am for today.