Maybe. I'm not sure yet but maybe it's a start to something good. At 7:40 this morning there was a knock on my front door. It was Eduardo who introduced himself as an employee of Kayoenergy.
And so began the installation of solar stuff on my roof. Much hammering and drilling by the two-man team. But, I just stepped outside to check. Clips for tracks to slip into, tracks most places, some visible wiring, but the inquiring minds of my neighbors won't get a better clue 'til tomorrow when they slide the solar panels into the tracks. Then I have to wait again for some unknown period of time for the local power company to perform some inspection for it to go live. My salesman says the wait could be 1 day to 3 weeks. Lord, let it be quick..............
Just a month ago, the local power company hit me with a 40% increase in my monthly payment plan. OUCH! My equal payment plan went from $205 to $285 a month. And, as I've mentioned before, they recently got approval to build a $1.8 Billion solar farm. And you know that every cost the power company incurs is passed on to customers. Thankfully, I should be able to avoid biting that bullet. In theory, this solar system will provide more than 100% of the energy I use annually. I pay a monthly payment of $210 to Kayoenergy which, by contract, cannot increase by more than 3% per year. Also, the salesman with whom I've been dealing has promised to pay the first 6 payments to Kayo. That is a major source of the funding for the portable oxygen concentrator I recently bought.
The dog has had a rough day. She is not used to the sounds she's been hearing all day. She's been barking and growling and hyperventilating most of the day, though she calmed down some during the afternoon. I guess she'd gotten used to it by then.
Yesterday I was bemoaning the fact that I'd gone over budget on the groceries. Later in the day, I realized I'd bought 13 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breast at $1.99 a pound, marked down from $4.49 a pound. I have decided that this is something I should celebrate, not moan about. So, thank you, Jesus, for the opportunity to take advantage of that sale. I figure if I use that chicken wisely, as in soups and casseroles, that should make me between 40 and 50 meals. Now I'm looking for some ground beef on sale.
I'll be canning up some meat nest week. Our high temperatures will begin to go below the 90 degree level which means the added heat from running my canner for a couple of hours one day won't tweak the a/c very much. I did a canning extravaganza in July, but I limited myself to running the canner at night. Not my preference. At that time I canned up what I owned as to beef, ground beef, and sausage. There is still pork to be canned as well as, now, these chicken breasts.
I've been some dehydrating lately. But I am torqued at myself. In an effort to clear countertops, I put my electric coffee/spice grinder away. Where did I put it? I haven't a clue. I've searched and searched through my cabinets and I can't find it. And, in my opinion, it's a good one. I bought it in 2020 and I can't remember what I paid. Whatever I paid then (probably somewhere around $40), the price has risen to $85. I won't be buying another at that price! I'll probably buy a cheaper model with as many of the good features as I can find. My ultimate goal is to amp up my supply of green powder which I can use in my casseroles and soups to increase the nutrition. I can't do that without a good grinder. I also want to increase my supply of dehydrated vegetables and herbs of any description.
Explanation: green powder is powderized greens. One can add any kind of greens--celery, spinach, kale, cilantro, basil, collards, etc. Whatever green stuff I can lay my hands on, all mixed together. It is meant to be used as an additive to foods, not to use on its own. However, I also have tomato powder (made from the skins) for use in tomato sauces of all sorts. And pumpkin powder, sweet potato powder, and so on. You'd be amazed at how little storage space a dehydrated, powdered pumpkin takes up and it won't spoil.
Well, that's my treatise for today. I hope you had a good one.