To tell you the truth, I have had a number of non-productive few days. I have not been feeling well, and moving around was uncomfortable and somewhat painful. But, today I accomplished some things that are worth mention. I DID commit myself to a one-half hour devotional. This is something I used to do every day. Somehow I lost this habit. I've been working at it for about 10 days now and today was one of the days I kept what I'd committed to. I also dragged a very heavy bag of trash out to the curb. I've been putting off doing my daily run outside. There's recycling, trash, and things that I need to donate. All need to go outside, either to the bins or to the van. Lately I've been putting it off til it's dark outside and I don't want to go out in the dark. But, today, bright and early (for me) I did what I should do. I also cooked up a big batch of unstuffed cabbage soup. Honestly that's one of my favorite soups in the known world and I'm thrilled to put lots of little single serve packages of that in the freezer. I've cleared a few things from the desktop with about 1000 to go, but it's 1% better. If I can make it 1% better for another 99 days, just think where I'll be! I've also done some extra filing and paid some bills. And, no doubt I'll accomplish one or two more noteworthy things yet before I go to bed.
I have not been really successful in policing my home-canned goods. The manufacturers of jars & lids have said they were good for only 12 months. More recently, they raised that to 18 months. In making the soup, I found 2 jars from August 2018 which were still tightly sealed and completely good. That's the meat in my soup and I'm proud of having done a good job of canning it and I'm proud to have taken the time to find it and use it. (Finding it entails finding a flashlight because it's very dark in that corner where it's stored. Bit of a pain.........)
I used to sit down most evenings and evaluate my day. Had I accomplished something worthwhile that day or not. if I could answer that in the affirmative, I rated it a successful day. So glad to have had a successful day today. Praying for another successful day tomorrow.