Albertson's had a lot of meat on sale this week for pretty good, sometimes amazingly good, prices. I got 4.5 pounds of country pork ribs for $2.99 a pound. It's hard around here to catch a sale of any kind on country ribs. Actually, it's rare to see them advertised at all. I have a good stash of sauerkraut in the fridge which has been there for a long time. I'm figuring on at least 10 meals from the ribs. I have no idea what I paid for the sauerkraut but the current price is right at $3.00 for 2 pounds. I'm figuring I spent about $2.00 originally. That would give me 10 meals at about $1.70 each. ore than I'd like but pretty good. Chances are I'll make some dumplings to with so I will probably get more than 10 meals.
I got 3 pounds of ground beef for $7.41 or $2.47 a pound. It's 80/20 ground beef. I'd prefer 85/15, but this is still a VERY good price around here. That should afford me 10-12 meals.
And here's the ultimate prize: I got 10 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breast for $1.67 a pound. It's been years since I've seen a price like that! Depending on how I use this, I can figure on up to 4 meals per pound. y downfall is my love for chicken salad. If I make chicken salad, I'll probably only get 2-3 meals per pound. I turn into a heavy eater when there's chicken salad around!
I also bought 3 # of onions and 5# of potatoes, 3 red peppers, a head of cabbage, a container of heavy whipping cream. So a veggie to eat together with the frozen and canned veggies I have, some red peppers to chop and freeze for fried rice (will almost certainly use some of the chicken for this), and I'll use some onion, some potatoes, and some of the heavy cream to make a chicken pot pie. A couple of months ago I premade enough pie dough for 16 crusts. They're frozen and waiting for me to use so I can do the pot pie without expending too much energy on which I am low...........
No doubt, I'll be canning tomorrow. The winter is the best time to can meat. First, one saves the summer and early fall for canning fruits and veggies. Second, meat takes 90 minutes boiling away in the glass jars in the canner. That will make the house much warmer and put some humidity into the air. And I will have preserved a lot of meat for future meals without worrying about the freezer. I need to get on the canning before it gets warm outside and I have to can at night to keep the a/c usage at a minimum.