Well, I made myself a sandwich with 3 slices of bacon and 2 eggs. I could only eat half of it. Miss Alissa got the rest. I expected her to enjoy the bacon and the egg, but she seemed to love the bread too. I've also had more than a quart of water. I think that's part of what was going on earlier--I was not just hungry; I was on the edge of dehydration. Anyway, I'm working on quart #2...
I am more or less done with the freezer defrost/inventory. I will still need to update the inventory of the entrees, but, other than that, I think the freezer is in pretty good shape. It sure tells me what needs to be canned which was one of my main reasons for doing it. Also tells me what I have plenty of and what I could use to buy some more of.
My back is pretty messed up. It hurts now when I'm standing and when I'm bending. So far, sitting is okay.
My crazy across-the-street neighbor called in a wellness check to the cops, today, I guess. Anyway, I had 2 metro police officers at my door asking if I was okay. Apparently the neighbor got all excited because I did not bring my trash cans in from the curb LAST Tuesday! In fact, it was Thursday til I went out to take care of that, only to discover someone else had brought them in for me. I don't know who but I sure did appreciate it. Anyway, according to the officer, they were concerned because a) I didn't bring my trash cans in right away and b) they hadn't seen me around. Anyway, until yesterday it's been quite chilly around here with 25mph winds. I don't wanna go out in that if I don't have to. Nevertheless, my van has changed positions in the driveway, I've carried out a bag of trash, my exterior lights have gone on and off at irregular times of day but, faithfully, every night. Maybe I should get some flags or something so I can run one up if I need help. Come to think of it, I probably wouldn't be able to do that if I were bad enough off that I needed the cops to check on me. Oh well, I'll take comfort in the fact that someone is apparently keeping an eye on me...........
I am glad you have neighbors that actually care. That is awesome!
Posted by: Deanna | March 02, 2022 at 10:15 AM