a life of adventure! Work yesterday went well until, at break time, I sprouted a nose bleed. Don't know why. I went looking for a cold pack from the first aid kit but, of course, there weren't any. It seems whatever I need in an "emergency" situation, they don't have. Eventually it stopped but it was going pretty good there for a while. The head cashier had no idea why I would want a cold pack. If you're going to supervise people, shouldn't you know basic first aid, like that a cold pack applied to the back of the neck helps stop a nose bleed? Apparently not.
When I left work I went to the bank to deposit money. I'd received notice that my bank balance had dipped below my "low balance alert" level. And, shock of shocks, I didn't have my ATM card in my card case. As of this morning, they have hit me with $68 in fees............. Ugh! So, my low balance is even lower! You may be able to guess that I'll be stopping by the bank on my way to work.
Then I went to get a hair cut. I told the operator that I thought it had been cut too long in the front and/or too short in the back the last time. She lopped off a solid 2.5 inches, cut it short in the back (the crown of my head, actually) and longer in the front--the very thing I'd complained about. Honestly, no disrespect meant to anyone--just the best description I can think of--I look like a person who has survived chemo and whose hair has just begun to fill in. I measured (with my finger) and the longest part is not quite an inch long! It's certainly not what I asked for! My only comfort is that hair grows. In years past, I would have cried about it, but I guess I've grown more stoic. There are more important things in my life than hair. You get what you pay for--I went to Supercuts, because, if I check my budget, that is the most I can afford to pay..........
I went to check my newly planted tree and it appeared to be bone dry. I didn't check the soil down deep--it may have been okay. I immediately poured a gallon of water on it and added about 4 inches of mulch. Hoping that will keep it going til this afternoon when I'll water it again. It IS supposed to be drought tolerant..............
The final adventure for yesterday was my oxygen concentrator quitting. I was in the far end of the house and I stuck my head out to make sure Roomie was doing her job. She seemed to be emitting a strange noise. As I got closer, I realized it wasn't Roomie making that noise after all. The concentrator was giving a loud, extended beep. Not a beep as in intermittent but a beep as to the nature of the sound. Anyway, no oxygen is coming out and it just beeps and beeps. I managed to get it open and checked the filter. There was some dust on it and maybe a lot of dust in it for all I know. I wiped the dust off the exterior of the filter but that made no difference whatsoever. So, no oxygen since 10 o'clock last night. Trust me when I tell you that I could certainly have had a better night's sleep. I tried to call them but, of course, they have no emergency service. So, I called this morning when they opened but the story was that all the drivers are already out on their routes. I was just supposed to hang around until one of them showed up. Unfortunately, that doesn't take into account that I work! So, I've been assured that if I call when I get home, someone will come out. I think maybe I'll have to talk to the doc about a backup system.............
I upped the dosage on my maintenance medicine and I also did the albuterol inhaler and went to bed. I prayed, knowing that none of us is promised tomorrow. I want to be around for a good bit longer as there is much work to be done on this house in terms of cleaning it out. But, I know my slate is clean with the good Lord and timing is in His hands. And, so, I am still here today. Not comfortable, but here........... Of course, I don't have oxygen at work and I manage. However, I'm also usually pretty darned busy so my mind is on other things. My choice for now is to think about/pray about those items I pray about daily.
So, an adventure, right? Yeah.............