Pretty much every day, on the way to work, I remind the Lord of His promise of "all sufficiency in all things" and also that He will "supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus". Tonight I'm having a struggle with that as a result of a 60% cut in hours the second week of July. I HAVE enough. I CAN make it--in the short run. But, certainly, this thing needs to turn around...........God is able and He loves me. I'm one of His favorites..........
I took out the trash. I washed a load of clothes. I paid more of July's bills and figured out how to bail out the checking account so that I can actually pay them ALL. And, I spent some extra time in the kitchen. Together with the hedge trimming, not too bad a showing I guess.
Now I'm off to bed. We'll see what I can get done tomorrow. Thanks for being there. Sometimes this "alone" thing gets to me. Not often. I am very aware that God is always with me. But, sometimes it would be good to have a human with whom to exchange conversations and confidences. At least, it would FEEL good though, on second thought, it might not BE good. When one is taking each day on faith, one doesn't really need someone with whom to commiserate. Rather I think the need is for someone to remind, remind, remind me of God's promises which are ALWAYS true. I think I'll spend some time with Him before I sleep.............