When I blogged last night, I really had no idea what I was going to do about dinner. I was tired and hurting and not in the mood. But, I finally decided I had to eat something. And this is when I decided to do it the easy way.
In my mind's eye, I saw myself making biscuits from scratch and frying up some sausage to make biscuits with sausage gravy. That was just too much. Besides, I don't know how I would have bent over some surface to cut biscuits. Then I remembered I own some pre-cooked dehydrated sausage bits. I set those to rehydrate with some water. Then I pulled down the bisquick. You can make an acceptable biscuit with bisquick. You can also make biscuits drop-style (no bending over a surface to roll and cut biscuits). I preheated the oven (no bending required). I made the biscuit dough (no bending required) and spooned it into a small baking pan by the oversized heaping teaspoon. I melted butter in my beloved cast iron skillet and added enough flour to make a roux. I was on a roll........ And about 15 minutes later, I had biscuits and sausage gravy. As an afterthought, I considered making some scrambled eggs to go with, but I didn't want to dirty another skillet--I should have done that FIRST............ So, sausage and biscuits for dinner and it was all just fine. When you spend time watching cooking videos on youtube, you get to learn other people's tricks. I've made white gravy many times, but this time I added a bit of onion powder and a bit of garlic powder. That took the gravy up a notch. In the past, I've always relied on whatever flavor came from the seasonings in the sausage, some salt, and a little freshly ground black pepper.
The good news is I have leftover biscuits and leftover gravy. Tonight I'll hopefully have enough presence of mind to make some scrambled eggs first. That will up the protein content which will be good. Maybe I'll even think of some dehydrated veggie I can throw in to add some veggie content as well.
I didn't accomplish much around here. I did manage to get 3 empty water bottles to the car so I can trade those in for full ones at work. And I remembered to get the reusable shopping bags back in the car.
I went to bed a little earlier than usual and I took a SOMA. This morning I am much less sore than yesterday. Maybe the Soma took down the swelling? In any case, after taking the Soma and just before I went to bed, I managed to pop my back. Something was definitely out of place but it's better now. We'll see how it holds up to a workday.
Yesterday I had to stop at Albertson's to buy stamps. Today I need to fill up the van's gas tank. I neglected to do that over the weekend and now I have to pay the price......... There are always errands to run and that is one thing I REALLY hate doing........
Today we're supposed to have a sunny day with a high of 67 and winds of only 3 mph. It should be a beautiful day.
We had that day yesterday (beautiful day) and hopefully, it will be nice again today. So far, so good! We start out colder in the am, but yesterday it warmed up to a nice 68 degrees by mid-afternoon. Then, of course, it starts its early cool-down! Have a good day! I hope your back straightens itself out soon.
Posted by: Deanna | December 28, 2017 at 08:33 AM