I have been given another day to accomplish something on this earth. Yay! My big decision for today is how I will spend the time..........
I am planning to concentrate on the same 4 areas I was working on Monday. Namely, the kitchen, the shade I'm "manufacturing", the Master Bathroom, and the Master Bedroom.
In the kitchen, the Master Bedroom, and the Master Bathroom, it's starting out to be all about clearing surfaces. If I clear the surfaces, I can clean more efficiently and that surely sounds good to me. I also plan to cook some stuff ahead for the next couple of days since I'm home. And I want to finish up giving the Master Bathroom a thorough cleaning.
As to the shade, it's time to mark and cut the first piece of deco fabric. Next will be to do the same for the second shade. As I noted last night, if I use the first piece of deco fabric as a "pattern", the marking and cutting will go much faster and the patterns will be matched better. As to the Warm Window fabric, the next shade I have fabric to work on is the single west-facing window. I notice a difference, here in my corner, when shade from the neighbor's tree hits that window, but that's not til about 5PM. Imagine the difference I can make if I "shade" that window all afternoon! I did receive an e-mail yesterday confirming that JoAnne's has shipped the remaining Warm Window fabric I need to complete all the windows. Now, if only the Velcro would arrive. It's more than 2 weeks now since they took my money from my bank account.
Today is also a "fetch and carry" day. I've already "fetched" the bottle of water in from my car. In general, my back feels better today than it did yesterday, but I don't want to carry any more 3-gallon water bottles today! However, there is still a gallon bottle of vinegar in the car that needs to come in.
Trash day isn't until Friday, but I work tomorrow, so I'm going to try to get the trash cans emptied today as well. That way, when I get home from work tomorrow, I can just wheel the big bin to the curb and not worry about trash anymore for a while, LOL. I also have several containers of compostable stuff I need to take outside and get working in the compost bin.
I've already done a round of unzipping, sorting, and organizing downloaded CU design files. Next up is to do some more backups. I am very close to doing everything that should be done in the way of backups for the month. I want to get it ALL done!
My SSI check hit the bank last night and I've already paid 4 bills. I am sure there are more to pay. I like to set them up for payment early but not release the funds til absolutely necessary.
I could stand a "real" grocery shopping trip, but it's not "urgent" so I'm waiting on that. I do need to buy, of all things, some beer. I don't drink the stuff; I've probably had a total of 2 bottles of beer in my life. But, the recipe I want to use for this pork roast calls for it. I guess that means a trip to 7-11. I wish I had remembered this last night when I was there. I try to watch my gasoline consumption carefully, and this trip is a waste, but I think I need to do it. Maybe I'll search for a crockpot pork roast recipe that appeals to me as much as the one that requires beer. Maybe I'll find one I like as well that only requires ingredients I already own.
My shirts arrived yesterday from JC Penney. I am really pleased with them. I can hardly believe I scored those shirts for such a small price. What a blessing! I have a couple of really old tee shirts I've been wearing for work. I may continue wearing them, but at least I won't have to wear them as often!
Sometime today I will work in some design time. I have a kit that is just about finished. I should at least spend enough time to get the design work done on it. It won't take much.
To add to my great joy, my wrists are bugging me lately. So, when I'm done here, I'm headed into the bathroom to find my wrist braces. Usually wearing those during my off hours does the trick. I can't honestly imagine why they're acting up now, but they are. Maybe it's another by-product of using my hands and arms to much at work--to pick up stuff, scan it, and bag it. In any case, the braces will be helpful.
Oh, I learned another new rule at work yesterday. I was told to turn off my light and shut down my register and go home. Later I was told that if someone is in line, I need to serve them. Well, I only did what I was told! And, actually, the person in question lined up AFTER I shut off my light. But, no problem. If I serve one more customer, I get a couple of extra minutes on the clock. That works for me.
Well, that's all I have for now. YOU be BLESSED today!
I had a headache the day the smoke was so bad. It's been a lot better the last two days, but can I just say it's HOT out there? Geeze!! Went to costco and almost melted--and then coming out, in the car, there is a "homeless" guy standing IN THE SUN begging for money. The person in front of me gave him some money, but I never go out with money--always use my cards instead. If I had had any money I probably would have given him a couple of bucks. I can't imagine standing out there in the sun like that--on the blacktop to boot!! he MUST be hard up! Gotta go put the rest of the groceries away. I had to sit with an ice water before I passed out!!
Posted by: Deanna Staley | July 27, 2016 at 02:46 PM