So, I worked 5PM til close at 10PM. And I was in pain most of that time.
I left here around 4:30 and it was beastly hot. The thermometer on my van registered 117. It did eventually jiggle down to 112, but not before I'd driven quite a ways. The interior of the van was so hot that I could barely stand to touch the steering wheel for a little while there.
As to work, I did fine tonight. I did have to call the head cashier a number of times but, all but once, to get approval for military discounts. The once that was not a military discount, I had a young woman come in and hand me 200 $1 bills plus some other odd bills to purchase 3 fans. The girl barely spoke English. She was buying the fans to send to Mexico. I tried to imagine what she could be doing to have so many $1 bills. I think a co-worker of mine probably guessed right. She guessed that the girl was a stripper, or an exotic dancer as they're called in polite conversation. She was pretty enough. Of course, it takes more than "pretty" to be a stripper in Vegas, but I certainly wasn't checking that stuff out. But I can't think of anything else she could be doing that would result in $1 for cash tips without being able to speak English........... Anyway, I double counted all the $1 bills and then tried to fit them in my drawer. There was just no way so I had to call the head cashier and ask him to come and get them. I certainly couldn't have them just laying around............
I went on break around 7PM and, before I ever made it to the van, I got hit with a charley horse in the sole of my left foot. Wow, that hurt, and I couldn't seem to walk it off. I moved my van closer to the front door and limped back in. I went to the head cashier and told him I had parked close in and why. We're supposed to park way out on the lot, or at least so I've been told. He told me not to worry about it. According to him, it's perfectly acceptable to move the van closer in after my break. He says it's kind of an unspoken rule (Oh, Lord, another one of those!). I failed to ask him if that only applies when I'm working at night or if that applies any time of day--my schedule is all over the place.
Eventually, I took my shoes off and that seemed to cause the charley horse to abate. It was pretty boring the last couple of hours. Not many customers in the store on a Thursday evening......
I am cursed with a very literal mind. I hear and do exactly what I'm told. He, the head cashier, called me at 9:45 and told me to shut my light off and close up at 9:55, to gather my stuff, and go to the front door and wait to go out with all the others. I did EXACTLY that. And, doggone it, that was wrong. I didn't clock out. I didn't realize it til I was in my car and a good half mile away. By that time I had no hope of getting into the store to correct the error.
I think this waiting at the door thing is their answer to "security". By having a group of us all exit together, I think the theory is that we will be safer. There is little about Target that is better than working at this place. However, this is one thing that IS better. Target has multiple people employed in security. So, if the store's open, someone is watching the security cameras and there are security cameras in the parking lot. I felt a little safer, though the neighborhood this store is in may be marginally safer.
I found out this evening why they need to replace cashiers. Apparently they rank jobs by some process, more or less similar to government service. I am now, I was told, a CSA1. The highest a cashier can go is a CSA2. However, there are other positions within the store that pay more and are CSA3's and 4's. So vacancies are created as people jockey for higher paid positions. However, one can also advance from a CSA1 to a CSA2 by longevity. One of our guys was telling me he is interviewing at another store for a CSA4 position on Monday. He is currently a CSA2. I wouldn't want the job he is applying for because of the area in which the store is located. But, for him, it may work out just fine. So, down the road, there is hope for a promotion to a CSA2 and higher pay.
You see all kinds of people when you work with the public. First, I am shocked at the number of grossly overweight people that work at the store. I can think of 3 ladies, off the top of my head, who can barely walk and it appears to be because they are so heavy. And then there are the customers. Tonight a woman came in with what appeared to be her teenaged son. I noticed her at first because she was wearing a dress that was short to begin with. She had tucked her purse under her arm and somehow bunched the dress up there. This managed to hike the hemline within 2 inches of a normal panty leg. However, it was easy to tell, a few minutes later, that she wasn't wearing "normal" panties. Here she was in a semi-sheer offwhite dress and she was wearing black thong panties under it which were infinitely visible as she walked away! Amazing that someone would go out in public like that, particularly with a teenaged boy in tow! Well, I'm getting an education!
I didn't tell you earlier that the remainder of the Warm Window fabric was delivered today. So, I may not be able to hang my shades, but, at least, I can continue on with making them! I was thrilled to see that stuff.
The bank has indeed credited back to me the amount paid to the shysters in Florida for Velcro. However, they are now "investigating" So, I'm kind of afraid to spend behind it to buy more Velcro from Amazon. Obviously, I need the Velcro, but I'm not in a position right now to pay for the same stuff twice. But, nevertheless, tomorrow I will double-check my calculations of how much I need and then decide, based on the prices on Amazon..........
Well, that's it for tonight. I am bushed. I put in a decent day's work around here and then went to work and stood on my feet for 5 hours. It must be time to get horizontal. See ya on the flip side.