It's not that I mean to be. Rather, that I think I am entitled to the deals other people get. Or, more correctly what seems to have been promised to me. I found out something I didn't know in the process. Tomorrow Mr. Fixit and son are supposed to begin work to make my patio safe again. It won't be what it ought to be, but it will be safe and that's all that really matters to me.
I had to pick up some wood, some nails and a few other little things. I ordered them online. I found a coupon online for 10% off any online order. I expected to also get my employee discount. There was a problem with that expectation when I got to the store to pick up the order. What I didn't know is that they treat an employee discount the same as if it were a coupon. And the company does not "stack" coupons. Okay, but................. my employee discount is not a coupon. It is something I "earn" by working there. I don't understand the logic here. Certainly, the company has the right to do this sort of thing any way it wants. However, if the mission of the online coupon is to encourage folks to purchase online, then that's what I did. And if they wish to give me a discount because I'm employed there, then, yes, I am employed there. But, to me, one of those things is a coupon and the other is an employee benefit. And I can't reason out why one negates the other.
I certainly don't mean to be a dissident or troublemaker. I only want to understand. At the moment, I don't. IF I can get the logic behind something, then my mind settles. I don't get the logic here. But, at least, now I know. So, from now on, I won't waste my time looking for coupons!
I have been in pain for part of the day. My feet are sore, probably as a result of the charley horses last night. And I woke up with back pain. I did take some ibuprofen and lie down earlier today and both my feet and my back are WAY improved. For this I am very grateful.
I treated myself to a sandwich made with my pulled pork for lunch. Oh, my, THAT was GOOD! It's certainly been a while since I've eaten anything that tasted that good to me. I just might have another sandwich this evening.
I decided to add some veggies and some barley to the liquid in which I cooked the pork. In essence, it will be like a soup with a tomato base. I think I'll throw in some Mexican type spices. I've been taste testing and it's pretty darned good!
So, it's now almost 1AM. I am hurting A LOT. My back is NOT being very friendly again. However, I haven't done too badly today. I've made that soup and it's dandy. I've spent considerable time working in the kitchen.
I've managed to get the decor fabric for the first shade for the French Doors ironed. That was not easy. My iron is not steaming properly. Tomorrow I'll try adding some vinegar to it in hopes that will help it along. I worked and worked at getting the wrinkles out. I'm not thrilled with the results, but it's really not too bad. Maybe some of the rest of the wrinkles will hang out. Or, maybe as I sew and press and sew and press, some of them will give in. I hope the vinegar thing works. I priced GOOD steam irons and..........Phew!
I've done a load of laundry and it's hanging on the inside drying rack. I worked my way through some more junk on the desk.
I made that trip to the store to secure the stuff for the patio repair (only to be informed we no longer need the nails I just bought. Now we need screws!) All the wood has been unloaded and stacked in the garage.
I spent considerable time on the phone with my mother, as I do every week.
All in all, it wasn't a grand day, but it was okay. If I hurt less tomorrow, maybe it will be a better day. Let's all cross our fingers.......... See you in the AM.