I made two today. First I went to the pharmacy to dorp off 3 more prescriptions. And, to tell you the truth, I did it with a bit of fear. I have been being quoted such astronomical amounts for these meds and if you look in my bank account, it's lookin' kind of anemic. I have some checks to deposit, but that's another search and destroy mission. So, while I was at the pharmacy, I asked the young lady to search around for any discounts, etc that might be available. She told me there were no such things. I proceeded to tell her Walgreens had such things but I didn't particularly want to take my business there..........
Then I went inside and bought a heating pad. I HAD a heating pad. Parker chewed the cord years ago. Joe patched it up, but it came apart a few months back and shorted out. And that was the end of that! But, I've been experiencing some pain the last few days and it's been worse today.
Years ago I had a LOT of problems with my back. As a result, I more or less trained myself to support a lot of my weight on my left elbow. That puts pressure on the left shoulder. So, sure enough, I have pain in my shoulder today. And, my left hip as well. Not fun. So, I got myself a heating pad and beat feet home.
Later, I went to pick up those prescriptions. Glory to God, I drove away with 3 30-day prescriptions for $40. Sure, I would have been happy if it had been less, but I just about had a Pentecostal moment right there in the drive-thru. Not $200, not $100, just $40. I was so thrilled.
Just a little praise/progress report there. I maybe should clarify that I do NOT take the portable oxygen when I make these quickie trips and everything has been perfectly fine. Surely I am getting better, right?
YES! That does mean you are getting better unless you are turning blue without the oxygen. :) Good for you girl!! Praying it continues!
Posted by: Deanna Staley | March 15, 2015 at 08:24 PM