I forgot to say I researched the cost of blenders at Amazon.com. They are fast becoming my go-to online shopping site. Anyway, did you know you can spend anywhere from $16 to $378 on a blender????? One would think for that big $300+ price the darn thing would be electroplated with gold! I picked out one for $38 and it is NOT what I really want, but........ I had hoped to find one, maybe by Braun or Krups, if they make 'em, that I could afford. No such luck. If they make coffee grinders, shouldn't they make blenders too? Anyway, I don't care about 14 speeds. Five or six will do. But, I would like a glass container. I don't like the way the plastic ones look when they come out of the dishwasher, all cloudy and all. Makes me think I'm drinking chemical residue. Anyway, as long as I buy one for over $25 from Amazon, I qualify for free shipping. But, mine hasn't smelled funny since that one day, so I'm going to try to use it a while longer without replacement.
I called Scott and he says the timesheets that are at the office are for next week. Because of unemployment claims and so on, due to intermittent work, our payroll schedule is all mucked up. But, we're supposed to have a one week holdback on paychecks. So, we are going back to the holdback. That is good. And, I love that those timesheets have already been turned in. Gives me lots of wiggleroom on next week's schedule. So, I don't HAVE to go to work today. I'll go tomorrow and stay longer and save on gasoline from the commute. Last time I was out and about, I saw gasoline at $3.84 a gallon. It keeps going up........I guess Representative Waters was telling the truth when she said the price would keep going up til the government could take over gas and oil production and "socialize" it.
You can see Ms Waters on You Tube here. It's particularly important to watch the expressions on the faces of her compatriots when she lets the cat out of the bag. Also, note the level of stammering and stuttering when she realize what she's said....... Sorry, you'll have to copy and paste this link into your browser as the link is not working.