Well, I'm still doing the happy dance but I am doing it much more carefully. My back started to spasm yesterday morning when I woke up. I've been taking muscle relaxers and mega-ibuprofen ever since. I THINK the spasm is done, but I'm plenty sore. This was a weird one. Usually they go crosswise across my lower back. This time it started below my shoulder blade and ran down to mid-cheek. I'm going to dose myself up and go back to bed for the morning because I have to babysit tonight and I'm really concerned with having to lift Atticus around. Joe will be coming along, but Atticus is not as comfortable with him as he is with me....... We'll see how this goes.
Joe spent a bit of time at the company where he will be working yesterday. They showed him a schedule of what the full-time sales people made last year. The highest was around $400,000, and the lowest was $100,000. Joe has done sales all his life and I expect him to do very well at this. And, they have emphasized that this is NOT high pressure sales. There is an internal training class starting Monday, the 29th and they want him tested and licensed before then so he will have to put some time in studying for the licensing test. They pay 100% commission, but they withhold taxes and they have benefits! For example, they have a 401(k). They match all employee contributions up to 6%, at least that's what Joe thinks he heard. And, certainly, if they have a 401(k), they must have medical coverage and possibly even life insurance. We'll know more in a couple of weeks, but, certainly, everything we've heard so far has been very positive. Even the saleslady we were working with at the thing Saturday was telling us this company is an "awesome" company to work for. We shall see.......
In family news, Atticus has learned to wave. And, he's all smiles when he does it! He was funny Monday night. He is apparently trying to graduate from 3 naps a day to 2. He fell asleep in the car on the way to Jen's house. Then, I woke him about 15 minutes after we got there. He was still tired and cranky and clingy. He always cries when I start to take his clothes off. I haven't figured that one out and you'll see why....... He and I sat on the floor and played with his toys for a few minutes. Then, when bathtime rolled around, I took off his little shirt and pants and left him just in his diaper. My back wasn't feeling all that great even then, so I started walking through the living room and down the hall with him crawling after me and protesting. Protesting, that is, until he rounded the corner into the hall where he could see me standing in the doorway of the bathroom. Then he hustled up, all smiles. I had had Will start the bath water, so when Atticus caught up with me, I peeled his diaper off. He crawled over to the outside of the tub where he proceeded to pull himself up and stand there, literally, bouncing up and down at the very exciting prospect of a bath. He just looked so cute, standing there naked, bouncing up and down!
Well, that's all the news for today. I'll post some pages and then I'm going to lie down.
This photo was taken by someone at the University and Jennifer shared it with me. There will be an article about her published in a school publication. I used papers from the Virginia kit by Kimberly Giarrusso. The flowers are by Dani Mogstad and the brads used in the centers are by Mary Fran. I used Katie the Scrapbook Lady's Rounded Fill-a-bet as a clipping mask for papers from the kit for the title. Katie's products are available at ACOT and at The Digi Shoppe. I used Nina's Pimp Your Page 4 for the glitter paint splatters. Nina's products are available at O Scraps and at NDISB.
I loved this series of photos. Though his Mama prepared this food with great love and great care, Atticus just didn't like it. The background paper is from Lynn Grieveson's Somerset kit, available at Designer Digitals. The green alpha is by Andrea Burns. The white chipboard alpha is by Kim Hill from her new Cottage Charm kit, available at ACOT. Everything else is from the Funky Playground June Collaborative kit.
This is DH's grandson who lives in CA. We don't get to see him often. It is hard for both of them when they get together for a little time because they don't know each other well. I used Amanda Rockwell's new kit, A Boy's Journey, for this page. A Boy's Journey is at amandarockwell.com. I also used glitter splatters from Nina's Pimp Your Page 4, available at O Scraps and at NISB. The orange ribbon is by Natalie Braxton. Tears are by Grace Bennett.
I love this photo. It makes me love my camera even more than I already did. These grapes grow on a vine which has a "trunk" as big as a tree. This particular vine is over 200 years old. I used paper from Christine Nash's Brown Baggin' It, available at ACOT. The green papers are from Amanda Rockwell's Tastey kit available at Funky Playground Designs. The flower is from Amanda Rockwell's Threaded element pack at Funky Playground Designs. The stitching is by Manda Bean.
This is a rescrap of a page I scrapped long ago when I was doing rectangle scrapping. I used papers from Carnivale, the Customer Appreciation kit at NDISB, free with an $8 purchase. The yellow Ric Rak is by Amanda Heimann, her Just Ducky kit (check out her designs at The Digi Chick). The ribbon is by Kelly Shults. The stitching is by Andrea Burns and the Shimmer Stars are by Kristin Cronin-Barrow.
Did you know that December 27th is National Fruit Cake Day? I didn't either til I used Katie the Scrapbook Lady's Amazing Month of Memories class (currently available at ACOT). After seeing the prompt, I decided to create an ode to all the yucky fruitcakes my mother has sent me over the years! I used Mary Fran's High Elf Esteem for the papers, border, and ribbons. The alpha is by Dawn Stocsill (Miss Hunibuni) and the stitching is by Andrea Burns.
My DD sent me this photo of DGS2. He stayed for a little while with a friend of hers and her friend snapped this photo. I used LaWanna Desjardin's newest kit, Hello Sunshine, available at O Scraps, for this layout. Isn't it scrumptious? I also used a template by Kimberly Geswein.