Well, we're tired so I guess that must mean we've been busy doing something. Joe is still getting applications in and he works hard on those all day. Unfortunately, with the contraction of lenders in the sub-prime market and with borrowers whose FICO scores are in the dirt, he has to put in a lot of work to get a deal to come together. We are sure not rolling in the bucks around here. In fact, I had intended to apply for a rather low-level (and hopefully low-stress) job at the University but that has not panned out. First, I found that the application is an on-line thing and the website is one of the least user friendly web sites I've ever been on. Then, I found that the information they are asking for is extremely detailed and that, in conjunction with their crappy web site design, makes the process incredibly time consuming. The fact is that I thought I had run out of time to apply. Then, when I checked again, the application period had been extended by 5 days. So, I started work on the thing again. Then, I just got stumped on one part of the application. They wanted a detailed breakdown of how the applicant's time was allocated between duties on each job. Well, when you're head of a department, it's pretty hard to do that. Worse, I may decide to apply for something that was an incidental use of time and, therefore, not previously included in the time allocation. So, how do I deal with that? I was still struggling with that when I discovered that what Jennifer is forwarding me is not just job listings for the University, but job listings for the state and the job I was trying to apply for was in Northern Nevada.......LONG (400 mile) commute! I don't think so....... So, I'll keep watching what she forwards and perhaps I'll find something a bit closer..... But, in the meantime, I don't have to fool with that silly application again for a little while.
I've been busy in the evenings. Jennifer is teaching a class at the Law School and I'm babysitting the boys. They are good boys, but there are a few other complications that make it all more difficult. My agreement on doing this was that Jason would use the nights I'm babysitting to run at the gym. That would give him two free evenings and me an easier time of babysitting. We're at half and half on that one. Monday evening, we picked the boys at Day Care and then went straight to Jen's house. Jason had apparently just arrived home from work. Joe lifted the baby out of the car (in his car seat) and sat him down on the driveway while we gathered up all the "stuff" that came home with him--bag of food, bag of dirty diapers, bag of clean diapers, etc., and helped Will gather up his stuff. The baby started to fuss and Jason picked him up and carried him off....... I didn't see him again for quite a while. I made good use of the time and warmed a bottle, found his food, a baby-sized spoon, etc, and took Will out in the backyard where there's good light to take some pictures. Jason stuck his head out to say something, went back in , and locked the door. Will and I pounded on the door for quite a while before Joe heard us and let us in. I got Atticus back and fed him because Jason went out to get pizza which we'd intended on buying for Will and just the two of us. With the addition of Jason, we needed two pizzas. We didn't intend for him to pay, but as he was the pickup and delivery guy, it ended up that way. Soon enough, bath time for Atticus rolled around. I sent Will in to start the bath water and proceeded to undress the baby. Well, I guess I didn't get in there fast enough to turn off the water and when I sent Will in there, Jason was unhappy, blaming Will for drawing enough water to drown the baby! Hardly! And, like I'm going to take my eyes off of that baby to let him drown? I don't think so. And besides, it was my fault, not Will's. I managed to arrive in the bathroom with a naked baby just in time to interrupt all that, thank heavens..... Atticus had a good time in the bathtub, laughing and splashing.........except when Jason entered the room. Then, since he knows Jason better than me, he would fuss. As soon as Jason would leave the room, Atticus would be all giggles again. Got the little guy out of the tub and all dried off and took him in on Jason and Jennifer's bed to dress him and Jason showed up. Atticus was going to crawl over to Jason and when I laid him back down, he started to cry. Jason just stood there watching me. Honestly, Jason, I've done this baby dressing thing a few thousand times before--I don't need close supervision! But, Jason stayed to supervise which made the baby cry because he wanted his Daddy, and I kept trying to dress this crying kicking baby. Shortly, Jason announced "I've never seen him SO upset!" Yeah, well, hearing THAT made me feel good, Grandma, The Baby Torturer....... Jason took him as soon as I got him dressed and kept him for quite a while. So, I got Will going on his bath. Finally I got Atticus back and was ready to take the two boys into Will's room. But Atticus's bottle had disappeared. I'd undressed him in the living room and had left the bottle on the arm of the loveseat. It was found later in the bathroom. I wonder how it got there....... I finally had baby, bottle, and older brother and we all went and laid down on Will's bed where they went to sleep. First night of babysitting at Jen's house complete--Yay!
Tuesday night, about 8:20PM, I was sitting here at the computer in my nightgown when the phone rang. It was Jennifer, calling on her cell phone--unusual for her to call at that time of night--bedtime for the boys--and even more unusual for her to call on her cell phone as opposed to the home phone. She was at the Pediatric Emergency Room at Sunrise Hospital with Will who had banged his head on the counter in the bathroom and opened up a big (about an inch wide and layers and layers deep) cut just below his left eyebrow. I guess it had bled like crazy, and, of course, it hurt. Poor little guy, his big fear was that he might die from having a head injury. I knew immediately where that thought came from, but when I repeated that to Joe, he thought it was weird and that Will was really overreacting. Later, Jason commented on the same thing! Men! I still think they're ALL brain damaged! It didn't occur to either of them that a little over a year ago, Jason had a head injury and almost died........ I'm sure the fear was quite real in the boy....... Anyway, Jennifer was at the ER and Jason had called her saying the baby was hungry. Well, there are bottles in the fridge and freezer....... But, she'd run out of the house with Will, I'm guessing right after he'd had his bath. Will had no shoes, no shirt, nothing to pass the time in the ER. And, Jason had locked his keys in his truck. Apparently he'd locked his keys in the truck earlier. He'd stopped to pick up dinner and when he got home, locked both dinner and the keys in the truck. Jennifer went out with him with her set of keys so he could get both dinner and the keys out of the truck, but apparently he'd only picked up the food and relocked the truck, leaving his keys in there. So, she needed me to go pick up the baby, a shirt for Will, shoes for Will, a book for Will, a book for her, and Olfa--Will's stuffed dog--and bring them to the hospital. By the time I got dressed, Joe had arrived home from his signing, so we took off, stopped by and picked up everything from Jason (except he'd forgotten to gather up any books) and headed for the hospital. The "hungry" baby fell asleep in his car seat within 5 minutes of the house......... We delivered everything to Jennifer at the ER and took a look at Will's owie. He did quite a number on himself! They were going to do stitches, but Jennifer was concerned about scarring, so they had to glue 5 layers back together. We saw him last night--he has tape over the glued wound and it is a bit swollen. He's going to have a pretty good shiner, I think, but other than all that, it will be fine. Funny--the "glue" is water soluble so Will can't take a bath for two days til the wound has had enough of a chance to heal.
So, last night, we were on duty again. We picked up the kids at Day Care and decided to stop and get dinner at Marie Calendar's. Atticus fell asleep in his car seat within 2 miles of Day Care and I let him sleep through most of dinner. Then, I was afraid if I let him sleep any longer, he'd wake up in the car and scream the whole way to Jen's house because he was hungry. So I woke him up. He ate like a champ. He had cottage cheese (everything I could scrape from the container), baby food (everything I could scrape from the container), a few bites of Grampa's cornbread (which is delicious cornbread but which, for some reason, Atticus didn't like). He even ate a few bites of chopped pears. Then he was hungry. I ended up giving him a taste of decaf coffee by putting a straw down into my cup, putting my finger over the top, putting the straw in his mouth, and taking my finger off the top of the straw. Then we hit on the coffee creamer, which was half and half. He had one of those little plastic containers full of half and half using the straw and was satisfied. So, we headed to the house. Grandpa got Will into bed which didn't involve a whole lot since no bath was allowed. I let Atticus creep around for a while because I was warming a bottle. Then he saw his father and started to cry--Jason, of course, picked him up and carried him around for a while. I went to check on Will and he was still awake, so I stayed with him, trying to get him to settle down. Then Jason brought Atticus in and I tried to get him to sleep. Nothing doing! He rollled from side to side and really pestered Will, so I brought him back out. So Jason took him and played some music on the radio and sang to him for a while, and I went back in with Will. Jason brought Atticus back in and we tried again. Finally, he went to sleep and so, thankfully, did Will
Today is Will's first day at his new school. I am so hoping he got enough sleep. He doesn't do well on little sleep, and a new school, new teacher, new kids--well, that's all pretty daunting to a little guy. And, of course, the three of them, Jennifer, Will, and Atticus were at the ER til midnight Tuesday night.....
So, we're having fun! Actually, I love the time I spend with the boys. Will is sweet and SO helpful. He told me last night he was really glad it was his head that got bumped and not Atticus's because maybe Atticus would have died if he'd bumped his head like that. My response was that neither of them would die if they had a bump on the head like that, but that I didn't want EITHER of them to get hurt. And Atticus is like Little Mr. Sunshine. He was chowing down like a champ at the restaurant last night and so darn cute that all the folks at the surrounding tables were turned around watching him and smiling. It was really funny how much attention he got from the simple acts of eating and bouncing around in the high chair waiting for the next bite to be shoveled in!
Well, it's taken quite a while to type all this out, hours, in fact, so I'm going to post some pages and get on with my day. Hope your day is blessed!
There's no way to know what was going on in Atticus's mind when I snapped this photo, but maybe this is a fair approximation. I used Daydreams by Lena Brandenburg for this layout. Daydreams is available exclusively at ACOT. I also used a template by Ronee Parsons.
Found this old photo in the box we unearthed this weekend. There's no date on this photo, but I'd peg it about 1964. I used Amanda Rockwell's Tastey paper, slightly recolored, available at Funky Playground Designs Tastey Paper Pack . The butterfly is from her Sparkle element kit. The flowers are from Amanda Rockwell's new kit called Flower Punch. Sparkle and Flower Punch are both available at amandarockwell.com and are on sale 6/12/07. The yellow lace is by Traci Sims. The cardboard is from Eve Recinella. The alpha is by Carrie Stephens. I also used a "bended" photo frame from Jennilyn Designs.
DH will never grow up. As soon as the camera comes out, he starts making faces and clowning around like a 7-year old. This time, he decided to turn his glasses all askew. When will he learn? I used LaWanna Desjardin's new kit, Sons and Fathers, available at OScraps. I also used stitching and paper flowers by Dani Mogstad. The scalloped paper was created using a template by Jan Crowley.
Found these old photos in a box that had been stashed somewhere out of DH's way. I figured they should be scrapped--after all, how many people had an Aunt who was a minister as far back as the 40's? I used the new customer appreciation kit, Sunwashed Linens, available, free with an $8 purchase, at NDISB for the page.
We visited Mission Santa Barbara last fall. We've found with our mission visits that one thing that is remarkable about them is their lovely courtyard gardens. So far, we've visited 3 missions, and I think Mission Santa Barbara is our favorite. There is such beauty and a sense of peace in the garden there. I used Cindy Simon's kit called Fieldwork for this layout. The alpha is from her kit called Lucky Me. Both are available in her store at NDISB. Edited to add: Cindy has since taken a break from designing.
This is a photo of my mother. My guess is it was taken sometime in the late 30's. Thought it was cute. I used a kit called Soft Hearted which is by LaWanna Desjardin and available in the Friends and Family section (to benefit Carla Gibson's family) at O Scraps. The paint swatch under the journaling (recolored) is by Katie the Scrapbook Lady, her Journaling and Quote Backgrounds, available at The Digi Shoppe. I also used Sketchplate #7 by Anita Stergiou, available at NDISB and at Pickleberry Pop, though I've altered it so much she might not recognize it!
Found this photo of myself and one of the nicest guys I ever dated, who, with my "bad boy" fixation, regrettably finished last. Can we say "stupid"? I used Fall Leaves by Windgefluester for this layout. The cardboard flower is from Amanda Rockwell's Big Lauren LaLas] (recolored). I also used Amanda's new Flower Punch element pack for the tiny red flowers. The heart is by Vera Lim and the stitching is by Dani Mogstad. The alpha is by Bella Gypsy Designs, used as a clipping mask for paper from the kit. Amanda's products are available at amandarockwell.com.
And an extra one, just because it's special to me!
My cousin had over 300 slides converted to photos and this gem was among them--my paternal grandfather exactly as I remember him. I used paper from Nina's Unique Mini kit, available at O Scraps and NDISB. The lace is by Ronna Penner and the flowers from Sausan Designs. The carved stone heart, slightly rcolored, is by Marcie Reckinger and the key is by Traci Sims. The alpha is by Dani Mogstad. The bow is one of Lynn Grieveson's new Frayed Knots. The frame is from Nina's Frame Collection 1, also available at O Scraps and NDISB.