When I was in the third grade, 8 years old, a kid from my class was practicing his baseball swing. (His name was Richard Stith--trust me, I'll remember it forever.) When he got to full extension on that swing, that baseball bat hit me smack on the tailbone. It broke, but my parents with no medical training at all decided there was nothing that could be done. So, no doctor. It's never been comfortable for me to sit for long periods of time. BUT, it's WAY worse now. At the spot where it broke, there's a good sized "knob" on the bone and so, when I sit, I'm sitting on that knob. The part below that moves from side to side, particularly when I am in the act of sitting. It moves and the muscle around it spasms and I stifle a scream. It's a fun game..........To make it even a bit more fun, it swells all around the bone and I walk around feeling like I have the world's biggest wedgie. Can you imagine? About the only thing I can do for it, short of taking a handful of ibuprofen and risking my liver, is to lie down for long enough for the swelling and spasms to subside. Problem with that? I can't figure how to lie down without sitting first.............
It's acting up something fierce tonight. I've had to bend over to pick some things up this evening. And, let me tell you it's a really painful experience. That's something new to me. Prior to this the pain has been as I try to sit. I'm working on a technique to make it less painful, but I can't right now think of a different way to bend over. And, take my word for it, these knees are not going to stand up to the challenge of squats. I think for the rest of tonight, I'm gonna risk the liver with a large dose of ibuprofen.
So, there is a cushion on the market that really looks like it might help. It's split in the back where the problem is, relieving the pressure on what has become a very sensitive area.. I've been looking at it online for months. I just haven't wanted to spend the money. However, I think I'm gonna push the button on this thing. This pain is becoming prohibitive and really interfering with my life. If I can't bend over to pick things up or to tie my shoes, this place is gonna be a mess. If it's on the floor and I can't pick it up, I have no choice other than to leave it there and, potentially, eventually, walk on it. That's unacceptable to me.
They are advertising a 40% sale. I think they've just raised the "regular price" and the "sale price" is really about 5% lower than regular. But, 5% is still something. I'll take it.
I just called my medical insurance plan and it turned out to be a pretty decent experience. Of course, the "advocate" was not a native English speaker, so I can only hope I got it right. Only one item, Urgent Care is going up. The copay is going up from $10 to $20. The Emergency Room on the other hand is going down from a copay of $135 to $40. I'm not sure on one of my medications. I have a hunch the guy was multiplying in his head and may have made an error, but if he actually got it right, the medication for which I pay the most is going down $10 for a 3 month supply. I have, however, found out that Good Rx has a coupon to save approx $50 on a 3-month supply of the generic. The last time I checked, my plan has no agreement with the co that makes the generic so without insurance it is over $800. I think though that in order to switch to the generic, I have to get a new prescription. And you know how I hate going to the doctor...........
Next, I guess I have to call Progressive. I've gone on-line and gotten a quote from them. However, the quote does not include my usual amount of Uninsured Motorist coverage. I specified what I wanted and their system converted it to the minimum. I can't therefore, compare apples and oranges. Besides, Uninsured Motorist is for me. If I'm hurt in an accident with someone who has no insurance, Uninsured Motorist pays the bills for medical care up to the amount in the contract. My thinking is that given the struggle folks are having paying for groceries, there are probably a lot more uninsured motorists out there, not to mention illegal aliens driving without a license..........I really don't want to compromise on this element if I don't have to.......
Well, that's it from me for now. Be blessed y'all.